★ 掲示板:『放知技(ほうちぎ)』 ★彡 64449902

金正恩の真実 金王朝の“深い謎”ビビンバ!北朝鮮!
てげてげ(1) てげてげ(2) なんちゃらかんちゃら 文殊菩薩 亀さんnew きのこ組new へっぴりごしnewmespesadonew移ろうままに2new
【!!必読!!】『日本』という国名の秘密new  『放知技』データベース


1:飯山一郎 :

2015/11/02 (Mon) 14:23:46

それでは! ロシア科学アカデミー・スミルノフ学派、佐野千遥博士! お願いいたします。
70:調査結果03 :

2015/11/04 (Wed) 23:19:02

Doctor of Letters

St Clements University's senior award is the Doctor of Letters degree.
This degree is awarded for published works.
A number of prominent business, political and educational persons have presented their works for this award.
The following people have graduated from this program.

2001 Doctor of Letters Graduates

Dr Chiharu Sano has been awarded a Doctor of Letters degree from St Clements University.
This research is demonstrated in his published works.
"Learning and Evolution of Intelligent Artificial Life",
"Super -Critique of Super-Studying Methodology" and
"Deterministic Physical and Intelligence Learning based on Newtowns Anti-Entropy with Screw Structured Particles"

the Doctor of Letters degree に対する St Clements University の説明文

This degree is awarded for published works

his published works

1."Learning and evolution of intelligent artificial life"
「知的人工生命の学習進化 1996.04 森北出版」

2."Super -Critique of Super-Studying Methodology"
「超 勉強法 超 批判 1996.09 データハウス出版」

3."Deterministic Physical and Intelligence Learning based on Newtowns Anti-Entropy with Screw Structured Particles



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